Thursday 27 May 2010

Learn to speak like Robin Hood !

I saw an article a few weeks ago telling how Russell Crowe had been receiving elocution lessons to enable him to speak with a regional drawl in his new Robin Hood film. As I was born and bred in the area around Sherwood Forest I thought that it would only be fair that I share with you,dear readers, an insight into what Mr Crowe may have been being taught.....Ahh hm (clears throat!).

Phrase: ...............................Translation:

"Gerroff ya daft apeth"...............Leave me alone please

"Eyup me duck"...........................Hello, how are you?

"Mams gon daan rowd fo sum ale".......Mother has gone to the public house for a drink.

"Am fed up wi alt moanin"...................Please stop complaining

"Pop daan tut shop and gerrus a packer fags"......Fetch me some cigarettes please.

"Say owt and yer gunna gerra clout".........Please don't tell anyone or I will have to strike you.

"Av yer gorenee tuffies?" you have any sweets?

"Eyup ear cumms plodds"....The police have arrived

So there you go...just a small selection of Nottinghamshire drawl as is now spoken by Mr Crowe!.


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